
only cotton Learn more about only cotton

  • What kind of cotton farmers abandon cotton? Some plots have been planted

    What kind of cotton farmers abandon cotton? Some plots have been planted

    At present, it is the season for cotton seedling cultivation. However, affected by the drop in cotton purchase price, the enthusiasm of cotton farmers in some main cotton producing areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has generally declined. Many cotton fields have been planted with other crops or abandoned, and trees have been planted in some fields.

    2016-03-20 cotton farmers abandoned cotton for what kind part plot planted trees now
  • Domestic cotton prices have entered an era of low prices and the phenomenon of cotton farmers abandoning cotton has spread.

    Domestic cotton prices have entered an era of low prices and the phenomenon of cotton farmers abandoning cotton has spread.

    At present, it is the season for cotton breeding, but under the influence of the drop in cotton purchase prices, the enthusiasm of cotton farmers in some major cotton producing areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has generally declined, and many cotton fields have been changed to other crops or abandoned, and trees have been planted in some fields.

    2016-03-20 Domestic cotton price entry low price era cotton farmers abandon cotton phenomenon
  • How much is a bunch of cotton on the market? What are the planting prospects?

    How much is a bunch of cotton on the market? What are the planting prospects?

    Cotton is a common crop in northern China, especially in the arid areas of northwest China, where less precipitation and high light intensity are very suitable for the growth of cotton. But have you ever seen watching cotton? Today, the editor will tell you how much a bunch of ornamental cotton is on the market.

  • Who is driving the soaring cotton price?

    Who is driving the soaring cotton price?

    Who is driving the soaring cotton price?

  • Cash crops are no longer economical: cotton farmers' income per mu is only more than 1200 yuan.

    Cash crops are no longer economical: cotton farmers' income per mu is only more than 1200 yuan.

    From input to output, cotton farmers feel that growing cotton is no longer economical, reducing the planting area. The problems faced by cotton production warn us that grain production should beware of this uneconomic situation. Next month, the new cotton year will begin. Has been continuously implemented

    2016-03-20 Cash crops no longer economy cotton farmers per mu land income only from
  • The policy of temporary collection and storage of cotton has been cancelled. What is the course for cotton farmers and enterprises?

    The policy of temporary collection and storage of cotton has been cancelled. What is the course for cotton farmers and enterprises?

    Cotton prices have fallen to the lowest point in recent years. From the perspective of spatial layout, China's cotton is divided into Xinjiang cotton area and inland cotton area, among which the inland cotton area is mainly in the Huang-Huai basin and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Dongting Lake Plain, known as the land of fish and rice, spans Hunan and Hubei provinces.

    2016-03-20 Cotton temporary collection and storage policy be cancel cotton farmers and enterprises
  • How can cotton yield increase and disease resistance?

    How can cotton yield increase and disease resistance?

    How can cotton yield increase and disease resistance? What's the trick? Through the investigation in some cotton areas, it is found that the cotton farmers who apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer only account for about 45%. Most farmers use ammonium bicarbonate, urea and calcium superphosphate, of which about 15% only use phosphate fertilizer as base fertilizer.

  • The transformation effect of cotton planting on soil, the harm of cotton planting to soil is very great?

    The transformation effect of cotton planting on soil, the harm of cotton planting to soil is very great?

    India is an important cotton producer in the world, however, there are few non-genetically modified cotton seeds in India because there is something wrong with the original cotton seeds. This is what we can't feel at the end of consumers and users. About ten

    2019-04-14 Cotton planting right soil transformation function harm great
  • Experiment, demonstration and Application of Industrial soilless Cotton Seedling in Dongtai area

    Experiment, demonstration and Application of Industrial soilless Cotton Seedling in Dongtai area

    Industrial soilless breeding of cotton is a seedling revolution in the history of cotton planting. It breaks the cultivation system of seedling cultivation and transplanting in nutrition bowl for decades, makes cotton seedling transplanting a simple, rapid, time-saving, labor-saving and cost-saving cultivation method, and opens up a new way for cotton cultivation. Experiment on soilless seedling transplanting introduced into Dongtai city in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, this technology was introduced into Tangyang and skimming port to carry out soilless seedling raising and large-scale transplanting experiment and demonstration.

  • Cotton mulching cultivation technique and its benefit

    Cotton mulching cultivation technique and its benefit

    In recent years, with the popularization and popularization of transgenic insect-resistant cotton and insect-resistant hybrid cotton and the wide application of plastic film mulching cultivation techniques, cotton developed earlier and bolls per plant were more and earlier. Cotton in continuous cropping cotton field is easy to mature prematurely. Mulching straw in the cotton field covered with plastic film can not only promote the early emergence of seedlings, but also prevent the premature senescence of cotton, so cotton mulching cultivation technology has been paid more and more attention by cotton farmers. At present, the cotton areas in the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins are often covered with 2 rows of root zones, and most of the cotton areas are covered with 4 rows, 6 rows and 8 rows. The way of plastic film mulching is to sow cotton first.

  • Cotton planting technology: how to fertilize cotton in flower and boll stage?

    Cotton planting technology: how to fertilize cotton in flower and boll stage?

    How to fertilize cotton in flower and boll period? Please guide the flower and boll stage is the key period for cotton to gradually change from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and it is also the period when cotton needs the most fertilizer. For cotton in full bloom, the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer will lead to cotton flourishing and crazy because the vegetative growth is still parallel to reproductive growth.

  • Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Many cotton farmers do not pay attention to the winter management of cotton fields and are accustomed to spring ploughing and spring irrigation before spring sowing. In fact, "planting cotton well in winter, planting cotton well in the coming year, watering good land in winter, planting cotton effortlessly, ploughing in winter and irrigation in winter, resulting in a high yield of insects and less cotton" has become an important experience in cotton production. For this reason, cotton farmers should do the following work well in winter: deep ploughing of cotton fields in winter can not only dig out part of the raw soil and bury surface weeds and crop residues in the ground, but also improve the ability of storing rain and snow after loose soil. through winter

  • The growing environment of cotton

    The growing environment of cotton

    The growing environment of cotton

  • Beware of the three major drug hazards of cotton

    Beware of the three major drug hazards of cotton

    Diagnosis and identification of insecticidal and fungicides. The damage degree of insecticides and fungicides is not only related to cotton variety, development stage and morphological characteristics, but also different from each other. For example, if dichlorvos is highly vaporized, cotton leaves can be smoked by spraying twice with 1000 times liquid; after being damaged by stone-sulfur mixture, the leaves and boll shells of cotton plants will produce burnt patches, and the leaves will soon dry off; stone-sulfur mixture is a strong alkaline agent, Bordeaux solution can only be used 7 ~ 10 days after use, if Bordeaux liquid is sprayed.

  • How many jin of cotton per mu

    How many jin of cotton per mu

    Cotton is planted on a large scale in China. Jianghan Plain, Jianghan Plain, Southern Xinjiang Cotton area, North China Plain and other places are the main cotton producing areas in China. Cotton has a wide range of applications, so how many jin of cotton per mu? How many jin of cotton per mu?

    2020-11-09 Cotton yield per mu how much jin cotton spend on I state-owned large-scale
  • Cotton price change opens the market innovation space price fluctuation will be the norm

    Cotton price change opens the market innovation space price fluctuation will be the norm

    The core effect released by the pilot project of cotton target price reform is that the market mechanism gradually plays a decisive role in the formation of cotton price. Zhang Fan, chairman of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, said at the 2014 Zhengzhou Agricultural products (Cotton) Futures Forum recently. He introduced

    2016-03-20 Cotton price change opening futures market innovation space price fluctuation
  • How to manage the latest cotton flowering and boll period

    How to manage the latest cotton flowering and boll period

    Cotton has a relatively large planting area in our country. When growing cotton, management is very important. We should properly adjust the management methods according to the growth period of cotton to ensure that cotton can grow normally at each growth stage. And its

    2020-11-10 Most new cotton flower boll period how management cotton spend in me
  • Fertilizer Application in Cotton Flowering and Boll Stage

    Fertilizer Application in Cotton Flowering and Boll Stage

    Name: Cotton flowering and boll stage fertilization pay attention to classification: planting technology/plant physiology principles and cultivation techniques Scope of application: unlimited Details: Cotton flowering and boll stage is the key period for cotton to gradually shift from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and it is also the period when cotton needs the most fertilizer. For cotton at the peak of flowering, because vegetative growth is still parallel to reproductive growth, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer at this time will lead to vigorous growth and crazy growth of cotton, not only aggravate bud and boll shedding, but also cause premature senescence. Therefore, part of cotton in full bloom should be

  • Cotton is fastidious because of seedling fertilization at flowering and boll stage.

    Cotton is fastidious because of seedling fertilization at flowering and boll stage.

    In June, there was frequent plum rain after cotton budding in Hubei cotton area. coupled with the differences in field management, the cotton growth progress was inconsistent. The cotton with earlier development has produced 1 or 2 peaches per plant, while the cotton with late development has just budded, and the difference in development progress is 20 to 30 days. Therefore, different measures should be taken in cotton fertilization management. Judging from the cotton seedling situation investigated in the field, Wang Hua, the 5th squadron of Nihu Battalion of Diaodong Farm in Hanchuan City, showed that half of the 26 mu cotton leaves were obviously short of potash fertilizer. It was suggested that he should make up immediately.

  • Five situations of wasteful use of Cotton Pesticide in polluted Environment

    Five situations of wasteful use of Cotton Pesticide in polluted Environment

    Five situations of wasteful use of Cotton Pesticide in polluted Environment
